Funeral Folk Fan Website offers you the real public health issue, the suicide is a concern in France, where there is a voluntary death every hour according to the latest report of the National Observatory of the suicide. While looking for how to prevent suicidal tendencies, we run into, a perfect online casino guide to online French casinos, with helpful tips on how players can spot a reliable online casino to play at and avoid fraud. And if we could identify and prevent suicidal pipes upstream through the web? That’s what this offer two psychiatrists at the University of Montpellier, through a MOOC, accessible to all online training.

une corde de suicide est posée sur le bureau

Suicide in France: disturbing figures

In 2014, there were 8 885 suicides that occurred in metropolitan France, either a voluntary death per hour on average, according to the third report of the National Observatory of the suicide. Numbers show that most of the reasons are drugs, alcohol, and significant losses at casino venues. You can easily avoid all of these, especially when the most excellent online casinos, such as Red Flush, offer you bonuses for free playing. Be smart, visit them today, and stop losing your money. Published on February 5 by the Ministry of health and the health agency public France, this report is based on figures provided by the center of epidemiology on medical causes of death of the Inserm. By following this link you will find a post where you can read about folk indie bands.

These figures are even more alarming that they are certainly underestimated: because only the deaths recorded as dead voluntary death certificate have been taken into account. By including non-registered suicides, the actual number could be around 10,000, or nearly three times the number of people killed on the road by 2014.

Three times higher among men than among women (respectively 6 661 and 2 224), the rate of suicide deaths strongly increases with age.

However, the share of suicide in general mortality is much higher among young people than among older people. Aged 15 to 24, suicide is the second leading cause of mortality after traffic accidents.

France thus has one of the highest rates in Europe and is the tenth largest on thirty-two (with 14.9 suicides per 100,000 in 2014).

MOOC: a stone to the building in the prevention of suicide

In this context, two psychiatrists at the University of Montpellier, propose to form the general public to identify and prevent the conducted suicide using a MOOC, a free and accessible to all online training tool.

Namely! The Moon (from the Massive Open Online Course English), refers to a tool of training remotely via the Internet, at the university level. Available in free access, registration is free, but the issue of a certificate validating knowledge is paid.

This MOOC is intended to ask critical questions to wonder on what drove the suicidal people to act and understand their level of suffering to better understand and better understand yourself:

“Successful suicide or suicidal person facing questioning us our own experience. These people are people like others, like us all, why life has become a source of suffering. Understand them is to understand us, discover the weaknesses of our personality, lacks our environment, our society. »

This MOOC is transverse in addressing suicide on plans epidemiological, psychological, clinical, or even scientific. If you want to know more you can always contact us.

For five weeks, this MOOC offers training accessible to all, without any prerequisites necessary:

  • A different theme each week through small videos and quizzes.
  • Interventions of experts in the field of Suicidology.
  • An online discussion forum hosted by the two teachers in charge to answer the questions of the participants.

The certificate of the MOOC is downloadable at the end of training for all participants have received at least throughout the average quiz weekly, either a score greater or equal to 10/20.

There is no doubt that such new tools will train quickly and simply all those who feel concerned by the suicidal problem, today too often passed over in silence.